I'm looking for in the

Evaluation of reputable service providers within the scope of an ANSSI - PRIS - PDIS - SecNumCloud certification

The implementation of an organization compliant with the benchmark references PRIS, PDIS or SecNumCloud offers an underlying vote of confidence for key operators, institutional organizations, industry and the service sector.

Presentation of the certification

The LNE Laboratory is officially recognized by the National Information Security Agency (ANSSI) as an evaluation body for the benchmark references PRIS, PDIS and SecNumCloud.


  • Strengthens your reputation among your clients, especially the key operators among them,
  • Demonstrates your considerable mastery of current state-of-the-art practices,
  • Distinguishes you from the competition.

LNE's assets

LNE has for many years been accompanying industries, service companies, institutions, key industrial operators in their certification application steps through providing various services. Such certification procedures have included ISO 27001, ISO 9001, ISO 14001, French regulations and European-level applications (e.g. CE Marking).

LNE clients testify

Cette évaluation nous a permis d’améliorer notre façon de travailler […], les échanges avec les auditeurs et leurs constats nous ont amenés à une réflexion visant à identifier de meilleures façons d’opérer et à nous adapter. Dans cette phase, la qualité des auditeurs a été cruciale et profitable.

Laurence ALBINET
Directrice de la conformité, des risques et de la gouvernance - 3DS Outscale

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