I'm looking for in the

Calibration of fixed-point cells or fixed-point thermometers

This calibration service provides you with a standard instrument (temperature generator or sensor) for the purpose of ensuring the traceability to national and international references, in offering optimal levels of uncertainty.

Proposed calibration services

Your thermometric cells eligible for calibration are all capable of serving as a support for the International Temperature Scale of 1990 and beyond, extending from cryogenic temperatures to 1,560°C.
Your thermometers (whether sensors on their own or as part of a measurement chain ) may be calibrated over any temperature range from -270° to 1,560°C.
Such calibration offers the best uncertainty levels found on the COFRAC or BIPM website, which are then validated by the results of international comparative campaigns.

Accreditation details

  • COFRAC Accreditation No. 2-02

List of sites and scopes available on www.cofrac.fr

  • Best calibration opportunities among France's national laboratories available on the BIPM website

For special sensors deployed under extreme conditions, please contact us.

Additional services

Technical guidance may be proposed to suit your specific needs in terms of uncertainty or instrument environment, thanks to our extensive experience acquired through LNE's R&D activities, whether the focus pertains to calibration or measurement challenges.