20 June 2017

SAFEMAT - A unit specially dedicated to packaging safety

On June 21st 2017, LNE officially announced the creation of a Joint Technology Unit dedicated to packaging safety. Called "SAFEMAT", or "Safety of contact materials and packaging", this unit combines teams from the LNE and INRA/AgroParisTech Massy laboratories in the aim of studying and modeling material and packaging transfer phenomena for food processing, cosmetic and pharmaceutical applications.

On June 21st 2017, LNE officially announced the creation of a Joint Technology Unit dedicated to packaging safety. Called "SAFEMAT", or "Safety of contact materials and packaging", this unit combines teams from the LNE and INRA/AgroParisTech Massy laboratories in the aim of studying and modeling material and packaging transfer phenomena for food processing, cosmetic and pharmaceutical applications.

The unit's stated objective is to provide industrial clients with the requisite prediction, evaluation and modeling tools for designing packaging that is increasingly efficient, health conscious and environmentally friendly. The industrial stakes involved are critical, especially with the development of bisourced and biodegradable materials, nanocomposites and reuse of recycled materials.


>> Read the press release